San Mateo

San Mateo

Where is ALBION SC SM Silicon Valley located?
ALBION SC Silicon Valley SM (San Mateo) is located in San Mateo and is developing athletes locally and from surrounding areas. 

ALBION SC Silicon Valley SM (San Mateo) competes in NorCal Premier, Boys Elite Academy (EA) & Girls Development Player (DPL) Leagues. 

What is our goal?
ALBION Soccer Club believes in player development as the approach to building the soccer club and individual teams, while always maintaining a club atmosphere. We use a standardized curriculum that keeps the entire program operating together and developing the players in the same fashion. 

As we develop our young players and teams with a concentration on technical training and possession, the players will eventually graduate through the program year by year to a greater level of tactical training, where movement of the ball and decisions on the ball become extremely important. 

We focus on the development of our players from the moment they arrive to our fields, we use soccer as a vehicle to provide our youth with pathways for success. Our programs focus on two areas of your child's development: physical and emotional. We use games to get your child physically active and practicing gross motor skills, balance, and coordination, while learning the basics of soccer. 

Beyond teaching the skills required to develop players to excel at the game of soccer, ALBION SC SM Silicon Valley takes pride in instilling off the field skills such as leadership, teamwork, self-confidence, responsibility and respect.


- Competitive Program
- JUNIORS Development Program

Primary Field Usage Locations:
Hillsdale High School
Los Prados High School
Bay Meadows Park

Tryout - SM

Tryout - SM
Tryout - SM